Herramientas Agile

Actualmente en EGA Futura estamos utilizando Rally

Comenzamos en la decada del ´90 con TestTrack de Seapine Software (seapine.com) y luego en el año 2002 migramos hacia la Suite Rational, en donde la estrella de aquel entonces era Rational ClearQuest.

En el año 2008 abandonamos Rational ClearQuest y migramos hacia Rally. Estamos conformes con la herramienta, pero no descartamos migrar hacia CA Agile Vision o Version One.


From pilot projects to distributed, multi-team programs, Rally’s family of Agile lifecycle management solutions gives teams the visibility and collaboration needed to formalize and scale Agile development practices that deliver high-value software in rapid iterations.


CA Agile Vision

La principal ventaja de CA Agile Vision es que está programado bajo la plataforma Force.com. Esto realmente es muy tentador para nosotros aquí en EGA Futura. Toda nuestra infraestructura y nuevos desarrollos estan montados sobre Force.com, lo que hace que integrar esta herramienta Agile con Salesforce CRM suene realmente alucinante.CA Agile Vision is very simple to use, yet proven and robust enough to help you deliver results with all your agile projects. Built on Force.com, it’s a proven solution that makes it easy for all stakeholders to understand what’s going on with agile projects, while helping global development teams to be more productive with their backlog. CA Agile Vision helps you deliver more customer commitments and delight your customers.



Version One

All VersionOne's products are designed from the ground up to support today’s leading-edge development methodologies such as Scrum, XP, Kanban, AgileUP, and DSDM. From small teams to distributed enterprises, VersionOne’s suite of agile project and lifecycle management tools helps companies scale agile faster, easier, and smarter.www.versionone.com