Metodología ágil: Lean software development (LSD)

Post date: Jun 07, 2010 6:5:2 PM

Nota: Este articulo requiere mayor desarrollo e investigación.

Lean Software Development (LSD) is the application of lean principles to the craft of software development. So what is Lean? According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Extensions Partnership’s Lean Network, Lean is:

    • “A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement, flowing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection.”

    • “Lean Software Development reduces defects and cycle times while delivering a steady stream of incremental business value.”

Lean Software Development is more strategically focused than other Agile methodology. The goals are to develop software in one-third the time, with one-third the budget, and with one-third the defect rate.

Lean Software Development is not a management or development methodology per se, but it offers principles that are applicable in any environment to improve software development.

Los principios Lean

    1. Eliminar los residuos

    2. Ampliar el aprendizaje

    3. Decidir lo más tarde posible

    4. Reaccionar tan rápido como sea posible

    5. Potenciar el equipo

    6. Crear la integridad

    7. Véase todo el conjunto